Basic health insurance is compulsory
Everyone who lives and/or works in The Netherlands is obliged to take out a standard health care insurance. The government arranged this in the ‘Zorgverzekeringswet’ (Healthcare insurance law). Children under the age of 18 are insured free of charge. People over 18 are required to have a basic healthcare coverage and may choose to add supplementary coverage.
What can we help you with?
I am not yet insured with VGZ

VGZ app available in English!
VGZ has the best care app of The Netherlands. Your personal assistant when it comes to health and care. It’s fully available in English! You can easily submit a claim, have actual insights into your used-up care and you have access to a wide variety of health services. If you are not yet insured at VGZ you can still download the app and look around and have a sneak peek of what it can offer you.

Congratulations! There are some things you need to arrange when you are pregnant, like maternity care and your maternity package.

The healthcare card
A healthcare provider may ask for your healthcare card. You can find your healthcare card and EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) in your VGZ app.